Monday, May 4, 2009

Alasan menulis di blog ini

Sedikit mengutip ucapan dari seorang trader sukses, William Echart yang mengatakan "Jika anda membawa kebiasaan manusia normal dan kecenderungannya di dalam trading, secara tak terelakkan anda akan condong masuk ke dalam mayoritas orang yang merugi."

Selama hampir 2 tahun berlalu di dunia trading, saya banyak sekali mengalami kekalahan di dalam trading. Dan saya tahu banyak sekali trader pemula yang juga mengalaminya. Inilah alasan yang membuat saya menulis di blog ini.

fakta yang menunjukan banyak sekali trader yang mengalami kekalahan dalam berbisnis di bidang ini bukan sebuah harga mati bahwa trading tidak bisa dipelajari. Pasar tidaklah memihak, pasar itu adil dimana ada yang gagal pasti ada yang berhasil. disini sudah jelas bahwa peluang yang kita miliki adalah sama. Trading adalah sesuatu yang dapat dipelajari dan bukan merupakan bakat dari lahir.

Banyak dari kita menjalankan transaksi dalam trading dengan tidak didasari dengan pengendalian diri yang kuat serta tidak mempunyai disiplin. Saya akui bahwa saya tidak memiliki pendalian diri yang kuat sehingga saya sering kalah dalam trading. Tapi saya yakin pengalaman akan membentuk diri saya menjadi pribadi yang tegar. Tak perlu menoleh ke belakang dan menangisi yang sudah lalu. Yang perlu saya lakukan adalah membakar kapal saya
dan maju terus menuju medan pertempuran dengan tujuan memenangkan pertempuran.

Tidak perduli siapa anda, pintar atau bodoh, suku, agama, ras atau apapun saya mengajak anda bersama-sama untuk memenangkan pertempuran ini.
Yang perlu kita lakukan untuk menang adalah sebuah sikap untuk mau mengubah diri kita.

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Truth About ForexTrading Programs

Forex Trading Programs.

Whether you’re a beginner forex trader or a more experienced trader, you’ll need a forex trading program.

There are literally thousands of forex trading programs available. Some are free, while others charge a fee to access, but they’re all crucial tools for anyone who is serious about generating an income from trading in the foreign currency exchange markets. After all, without a system you might as well be flying blind.

It’s important that you research your choice of forex trading program carefully. You should choose a program that suits your level of skill and experience, but it’s a good idea to recognize programs that are able to grow and offer more advantages as your knowledge grows.

Things to Look For in a Forex Trading Program

1. Charts

Charting the movement of a particular currency can be a time consuming process. It is possible to find software that is able to follow the actions of your chosen currencies and then generate indicators that will help you solidify your trading strategy.

2. Pricing Indicators

The ability of forex software to offer pricing indicators based on real-time data is a vital tool for any serious foreign exchange trader. You can know at a glance which direction a currencies pricing is trending at any given moment. Most forex software

programs offer the ability to set both buy and sell indicators.

3. Trading Safeguards

Many newer traders lose large amounts of money during times of low volume. The inclusion of safeguards in your forex trading program can help you to know when to avoid entering the market and when to set your stop-loss orders at a more conservative level.

4. Exit Strategy

Any successful forex trader knows that an entry strategy – or knowing when is the best time to buy – is only part of trading well. It’s equally important to understand and plan for your exit strategy before you place your trades. A good forex trading program will

encourage you to take notice of a stop loss indicator at the same time as offering you a trade entry point. This allows you to minimize any potential losses and maximize your chances of a profit.

5. Automated Trading Ability

Some forex trading programs offer the ability to automate your trading strategy. You simply enter the parameters and the indicators you want your software to watch for and the program can have the ability to place trades on your behalf even when you’re away from your computer. This should include the ability to place entry trades and exit trades.

6. No Limit on Currency Pairings

Some forex trading programs only have the capacity to follow the major currencies. While it’s wise to leave some of the emerging currencies and the minor crosses until you’re a little more experienced, you should still be sure your trading system offers the ability to increase the currencies you want to track for later use.

Not every forex trading program offers the same capacities and features. When you’re choosing the right software for your personal strategy, you should be sure you buy the one that suits your individual goals, needs, and personality.