Monday, May 4, 2009

Alasan menulis di blog ini

Sedikit mengutip ucapan dari seorang trader sukses, William Echart yang mengatakan "Jika anda membawa kebiasaan manusia normal dan kecenderungannya di dalam trading, secara tak terelakkan anda akan condong masuk ke dalam mayoritas orang yang merugi."

Selama hampir 2 tahun berlalu di dunia trading, saya banyak sekali mengalami kekalahan di dalam trading. Dan saya tahu banyak sekali trader pemula yang juga mengalaminya. Inilah alasan yang membuat saya menulis di blog ini.

fakta yang menunjukan banyak sekali trader yang mengalami kekalahan dalam berbisnis di bidang ini bukan sebuah harga mati bahwa trading tidak bisa dipelajari. Pasar tidaklah memihak, pasar itu adil dimana ada yang gagal pasti ada yang berhasil. disini sudah jelas bahwa peluang yang kita miliki adalah sama. Trading adalah sesuatu yang dapat dipelajari dan bukan merupakan bakat dari lahir.

Banyak dari kita menjalankan transaksi dalam trading dengan tidak didasari dengan pengendalian diri yang kuat serta tidak mempunyai disiplin. Saya akui bahwa saya tidak memiliki pendalian diri yang kuat sehingga saya sering kalah dalam trading. Tapi saya yakin pengalaman akan membentuk diri saya menjadi pribadi yang tegar. Tak perlu menoleh ke belakang dan menangisi yang sudah lalu. Yang perlu saya lakukan adalah membakar kapal saya
dan maju terus menuju medan pertempuran dengan tujuan memenangkan pertempuran.

Tidak perduli siapa anda, pintar atau bodoh, suku, agama, ras atau apapun saya mengajak anda bersama-sama untuk memenangkan pertempuran ini.
Yang perlu kita lakukan untuk menang adalah sebuah sikap untuk mau mengubah diri kita.

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Truth About ForexTrading Programs

Forex Trading Programs.

Whether you’re a beginner forex trader or a more experienced trader, you’ll need a forex trading program.

There are literally thousands of forex trading programs available. Some are free, while others charge a fee to access, but they’re all crucial tools for anyone who is serious about generating an income from trading in the foreign currency exchange markets. After all, without a system you might as well be flying blind.

It’s important that you research your choice of forex trading program carefully. You should choose a program that suits your level of skill and experience, but it’s a good idea to recognize programs that are able to grow and offer more advantages as your knowledge grows.

Things to Look For in a Forex Trading Program

1. Charts

Charting the movement of a particular currency can be a time consuming process. It is possible to find software that is able to follow the actions of your chosen currencies and then generate indicators that will help you solidify your trading strategy.

2. Pricing Indicators

The ability of forex software to offer pricing indicators based on real-time data is a vital tool for any serious foreign exchange trader. You can know at a glance which direction a currencies pricing is trending at any given moment. Most forex software

programs offer the ability to set both buy and sell indicators.

3. Trading Safeguards

Many newer traders lose large amounts of money during times of low volume. The inclusion of safeguards in your forex trading program can help you to know when to avoid entering the market and when to set your stop-loss orders at a more conservative level.

4. Exit Strategy

Any successful forex trader knows that an entry strategy – or knowing when is the best time to buy – is only part of trading well. It’s equally important to understand and plan for your exit strategy before you place your trades. A good forex trading program will

encourage you to take notice of a stop loss indicator at the same time as offering you a trade entry point. This allows you to minimize any potential losses and maximize your chances of a profit.

5. Automated Trading Ability

Some forex trading programs offer the ability to automate your trading strategy. You simply enter the parameters and the indicators you want your software to watch for and the program can have the ability to place trades on your behalf even when you’re away from your computer. This should include the ability to place entry trades and exit trades.

6. No Limit on Currency Pairings

Some forex trading programs only have the capacity to follow the major currencies. While it’s wise to leave some of the emerging currencies and the minor crosses until you’re a little more experienced, you should still be sure your trading system offers the ability to increase the currencies you want to track for later use.

Not every forex trading program offers the same capacities and features. When you’re choosing the right software for your personal strategy, you should be sure you buy the one that suits your individual goals, needs, and personality.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Triple Moving Average Crossover System

The triple moving average crossover system is used to generate buy and sell signals. Its buy signals come early in the development of a trend, and its sell signals are generated early when a trend ends. The third moving average can be used in combination with the other two moving averages to confirm or deny the signals that they generate. It thereby reduces the chance that the investor will be acting on false signals.

The shorter the moving average, the more closely it will follow the price trend. When a stock begins an uptrend, short-term moving averages will begin rising far earlier than longer-term moving averages. For example, if a stock declines by equal amounts each day for 50 days, and then begins to rise by the same amount each day for 50 days, the 5-day moving average will start to rise on the third day after the change in direction, the 10-day average will begin to rise on the sixth day after the change, and the 20-day average will begin to rise on the eleventh day. The longer a trend has persisted, the more likely it is to continue persisting, up to a point. Waiting too long to enter a trend can result in missing most of the gain. Entering the trend too early can mean entering on a false start and having to sell at a loss. Traders have addressed this problem by waiting for three moving averages to verify a trend by aligning in a certain way. To illustrate, we’ll use the 5-day, 10-day, and 20-day moving averages. When an uptrend begins, the 5-day moving average will start rising first. Traders view this as interesting but of no major significance. As the upside momentum increases, longer moving averages gradually begin to follow suit.

A buying alert takes place when the 5-day crosses above both the 10 and the 20. That is, the average price of the stock over the last five days is greater than its average over both the last ten days and the last twenty days. This shows a short-term shift in trend. A buy signal is confirmed when the 10-day then crosses above the 20-day. The 10-day average price of a stock is more meaningful than the 5-day average price. If the average price over the last ten days is greater than the average price over the last twenty days, the shift in momentum is considered to be much more significant. Conversely, when an uptrend changes to a downtrend, the first thing that happens is that the 5-day declines below the 10-day and 20-day averages. This constitutes an alert that a sell signal may be forthcoming. The confirmed sell signal occurs when the 10-day crosses below the 20-day resulting in an alignment in which the 5-day average is below the 10-day average and the 10-day average is below the 20-day average. More aggressive traders often use the alert crossover as the actual sell signal because it locks in more of the profit. However, the risk of doing this is that the stock may only be "catching its breath" before continuing its advance. The confirmed sell signal could then take place at a much higher price. Therefore most traders consider the signals to be generated by the 10-day crossing the 20-day.

I recommend using the 5-day moving average as a filter for each crossover event. That is, alignment can be used as a tool to reduce whipsaws. For a buy signal, the appropriate alignment is for the 5-day average to be above the 10-day, and for the 10-day to be above the 20-day. For a sell signal, the 5-day would be below the 10-day and the 10-day below the 20-day. If the 10-day has just given a buy signal by crossing above the 20-day average, a trader might abstain from making the purchase if the 5-day is now declining or below the 10-day average. The purchase would be made only if the 5-day resumes its ascent or is above the 10-day average while the 10-day average is still above the 20-day average. If the 10-day average gives a sell signal by crossing below the 20-day average, the trader might abstain from selling if the 5-day average has turned and is now rising, or if it is now above the 10-day average rather than below it. The sale would be made only if the 5-day resumes its decline or falls below the 10-day average while the 10-day average is still below the 20-day average. Traders at have learned through experience that using the 5-day average in this way can dramatically reduce whipsaws (untimely and unnecessary buying and selling). The reason these alignments are important is because the shorter moving average is extremely sensitive to the development of a counter-trend in the stock's price. If a trend counter to the trend indicated by the crossover of your major moving averages is developing, it makes sense to wait for that counter-trend to dissipate before taking action.

Investors and traders might be wise to incorporate another indicator into their decision-making. To increase the reliability of the signals given by the system outlined above, it might be wise to use the 50-day moving average as a context and reference. The best and most profitable time to buy a stock is early in a new trend. Later buy signals carry greater risk that the stock will soon decline (because stocks don’t go up forever). Therefore, if the 50-day average has been in a significant decline and is now leveling off or just beginning to rise, a buy signal using the triple crossover method outlined above has a greater chance of success than if the 50-day average has been rising for a long time, or is beginning to level off or decline after a prolonged advance. In other words, the intermediate-term 50-day average can be used to confirm and "support" the signals given by the shorter-term moving averages. Generally, it's better to avoid buying a stock if its 50-day moving average is in decline. A short-term trader might make an exception to this general policy in order to profit from a snap-back toward the declining 50-day average from an extreme oversold condition.

Writter : Dr. Winton Felt

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mengapa Saya Terkena Margin Call

Banyak trader yang bertanya-tanya " Mengapa Saya bisa kalah?
Strategi yang saya pakai juga dipakai trader lain yang sukses dan katanya sih bagus. Saya sudah ikuti money management yang disarankan.
Saya sudah menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk mempelajari bagaimana cara supaya menang di pasar. TAPI KOK TETAP KALAH !!!"

Hal itu menurut saya wajar sekali karena sesuai dengan artikel yang pernah saya baca dan pengalaman trading saya (yang sering kali kalah pastinya)
dan mungkin anda sudah mengetahui tentang pernyataan " 90% trader pemula mengalami kekalahan dan hanya 10 % yang bisa melanjutkan kegiatan tradingnya.

Saya pribadi mengakui bahwa saya termasuk yang 90% tersebut. Akan tetapi mungkin pribadi saya yang ngawur ini membuat saya makin ngawur untuk trading.
Terus maju pokoknya trading terus, sebab suatu hari saya yakin saya bisa. He..he... Traderngawur mau menang.

Mungkin banyak juga dari anda yang seperti saya. Saya menyebutnya dengan Perkumpulan Trader Penasaran ha.. haa...?

Disini saya tidak menyebutkan masalah strategi mana yang bagus. Bagi saya semua strategi bagus. Bahkan sebuah strategi yang ngawur juga menurut saya
bagus selama menghasilkan kemenangan. Saya cuma menggaris bawahi sebuah masalah besar yang saya hadapi sekarang.

Para trader pemula seperti saya sering melupakan hal ini. Bahkan walaupun banyak buku, ebook, dan artikel dari para master trader yang menjelaskan
panjang lebar tetapi hal ini kayaknya dianggap hal sepele. Kita lebih banyak memfokuskan diri pada strategi yang kita pakai.
Kita terlalu banyak mempelajari indikator-indikator dan mencoba semuanya.

Mungkin sekarang yang bagus buat kita ialah kembali mempelajari apa itu MENTAL TRADING atau PSIKOLOGI TRADING.
Karena walaupun kita tahu teorinya akan tetapi sulit untuk dipraktekkan. Semua berhubungan dengan kejiwaan yang berarti kita harus mengubah sedikit-sedikit
pribadi kita supaya memiliki mental seorang pemenang.

Apapun strategi yang anda pakai saat ini pasti menang asalkan anda punya mental seorang pemenang. Jadi kembali ke pertanyaan Mengapa Saya Terkena MArgin Call
yang jawabannya menurut saya seorang traderngawur adalah pada diri anda sendiri. apakah anda mempunyai mental seorang pemenang?

Saya mengajak anda bersama-sama untuk memiliki mental seorang pemenang. Semoga kebanyakan dari kita menjadi pemenang dalam trading (kalau menang semua ngak mungkin
saya rasa). Tapi apa salahnya berharap ???


Friday, April 17, 2009

What Separates the Good Traders from the Bad Traders?

There are many forms of investing online. While I can give you a list that is a mile long, these are the most common forms of successful investments. Some of the following know how to invest terms are:

1. Option trading 2. Future trading3. Currency trading4. Stock trading5. Future trading6. Forex trading (or) foreign exchange trading

I want to start this investing online critique out with a story... On a beautiful late spring afternoon, twenty-five years ago, two young men graduated from the same college. These men were very much alike. Both, better than average students, were personable and filled with ambitious dreams for the future.

For the sake of my example, I will set both college graduates off online trading using a day trading plat form. Through a gift, both start with the same online investing investment risk capital, the same daytrading plat form, and the same trading system with precise rules for entry and exits.

Shockingly, there is a difference. After one month, one day-trader went broke / bust, while the other day trader returned a 20% profit.

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people's trading? It is not always a native intelligence, talent or dedication. It is not that one person wants success and the other does not.

The difference lies within the psychology of the brain. Your psychological mind set is likely to play a larger role in your trading online career than your chosen technique or any other details associated with your day-to-day practice.

Here are some good examples:

1. One person looks at a glass � empty, while the other personality looks at that same cup as � full. 2. Someone may look at problems and call them stress, while another individual looks at troubles as challenges.3. Another one may look at a ship in a storm as an adventurous roller coaster ride, while another human being sees the same situation as a hurricane that has a death call.

I am not the only one to discover this�

In his book, �Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom�, the renowned American psychologist Dr. Van Tharp discusses the role psychology plays in trading success. He divides trading into three Ingredients.

In his pie chart:

-- System is 10%-- Money Management Success is 30%, and -- 60% pertains to the psychology of thought and emotion.

Tharp discovered that the trader's psychology make up of the mind has more to do with his success than anything else does.

However, what exactly is the psychology of the mind?

In short, the psychology of the mind refers to your thinking and emotional actions and responses to any given situation�In trading, fear, greed, vanity, pride, hope, jealousy, denial - all these can affect investment decisions. Although, your aim in the market is to maximize your profit and minimize your risk, thinking and emotions often make this easier said than done.

FOR EXAMPLE - Traders, who cannot control the psychological process of thought and emotion, make the wrong decision - such as the common amateur mistake of holding a losing position in the belief that someday it will become a winner.

Loss aversion is a classic mistake. By nature, humans value a loss. Therefore, you suffer almost twice as much pain losing $1 as you would in gaining $1. Loss aversion compels most traders to hold a losing stock while it plummets downward. This clouded judgment clearly contradicts the trading adage: cut your losses and let your profits run.

Emotional investors hold losing positions because they view paper losses differently from realized losses. An investor also engages in other forms of irrational behavior.

EXAMPLES are attributing success as natural and losses to bad luck.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. When talking about the other devastating effects of trading, if you do not have the psychology of your thought and emotions in the proper prospective the consequences can be devastating.

This is what opens up problems for new traders, and then they lose manage money very quickly in the markets. Most people completely wiped out their finances within the first year of trading. So, as you can see, your thinking and emotions play a big part in determining whether you fail or succeed, but did you know that thought and emotion make up two different spheres pertaining to trading success?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Basics Of Bollinger Bands

John Bollinger, a long-time technician of the markets, in the 1980s developed the technique of using a moving average with two trading bands above and below it. Unlike a percentage calculation from a normal moving average, Bollinger bands simply add and subtract a standard deviation calculation.

Standard deviation is a mathematical formula that measures volatility, showing how the stock price can vary from its true value. By measuring price volatility, Bollinger bands adjust themselves to market conditions. The trader finds almost all of the price data needed between the two bands. (For more on volatility, see Tips For Investors In Volatile Markets.)

Bollinger bands consist of a center line and two price channels (bands) above and below it. The center line is an exponential moving average, and the price channels are the standard deviations of the stock being studied. The bands will expand and contract as the price action of an issue becomes volatile (expansion) or becomes bound into a tight trading pattern (contraction). (Learn about the difference between simple and exponential moving averages by checking out Moving Averages: What Are They?)

A stock may trade for long periods in a trend, albeit with some volatility from time to time. To better see the trend, traders use the moving average to filter the price action. This way, traders can gather important information about how the market is trading. For example, after a sharp rise or fall in the trend, the market may consolidate, trading in a narrow fashion and criss-crossing above and below the moving average. To better monitor this behavior, traders use the price channels, which encompass the trading activity around the trend.

We know that markets trade erratically on a daily basis even though they are still trading in an uptrend or downtrend. Technicians use moving averages with support and resistance lines to anticipate the price action of a stock. Upper resistance and lower support lines are first drawn and then extrapolated to form channels within which the trader expects prices to be contained. Some traders draw straight lines connecting either tops or bottoms of prices to identify the upper or lower price extremes, respectively, and then add parallel lines to define the channel within which the prices should move. As long as prices do not move out of this channel, the trader can be reasonably confident that prices are moving as expected.

When stock prices continually touch the upper Bollinger band, the prices are thought to be overbought; and conversely, when they continually touch the lower band, prices are thought to be oversold, triggering a buy signal.

When using Bollinger bands, designate the upper and lower bands as price targets. If the price deflects off the lower band and crosses above the 20-day average (the middle line), the upper band comes to represent the upper price target. In a strong uptrend, prices usually fluctuate between the upper band and the 20-day moving average. When that happens, a crossing below the 20-day moving average warns of a trend reversal to the downside. (For more about gauging an asset's direction and profiting from it, see Track Stock Prices With Trendlines.)

Source: Tradestation

You can see in this chart of Nortel Networks from the start of 2001 that for the most part, the price action was touching the lower band and the stock price fell from the $40 level in the dead of winter to its October position of $5.69. In a couple of instances, the price action cut through the center line (mid-January and early April), but for many traders this was certainly not a buy signal as the trend had not been broken.

Source: Tradestation

In the 2001 chart of Microsoft Corporation (above), you can see the trend reversed to an uptrend in the early part of January, but look how slow it was in showing the trend change. Before the price action crossed over the center line, the stock price had moved from $40 to $47 and then on to between $48 and $49 before some traders would have confirmation of this trend reversal.

This is not to say that Bollinger bands aren't a well-regarded indicator of overbought or oversold issues, but charts like the Microsoft layout remind us of what Ralph Acampora once said in an interview on CNBC: "Start each day remembering the basics of technical analysis. Start with recognizing trends and then simple moving averages, and leave the more 'exotic indicators' to last."

While every strategy has its drawbacks, Bollinger bands have become one of the most useful and commonly used tools in spotlighting extreme short-term prices in a security. Buying when stock prices cross below the lower Bollinger band often helps traders take advantage of oversold conditions and profit when the stock price moves back up toward the center moving-average line.

For more on gauging trends with this technique, see Using Bollinger Band "Bands" To Gauge Trends.
by Investopedia Staff,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is leverage ?

The forex deals are accomplished in lots and each lot consists of 100,000 units of any particular foreign currency, to purchase one single lot of foreign exchange a lot of investment is required and that may run into hundreds of thousands of dollars which means the small investors are left out of the fray. For this very purpose the concept of leverage was introduced in the forex trade. Leverage backed with credit, such as a margin account is very common in Forex trade. The leverage account in which Forex can be purchased for a combination of cash or collateral, what the broker accepts is quite popular with the forex traders. Usually the leverage in the margined account is collateralized by the initial deposit made by you in that account, if the value of the trade goes down significantly then the broker may ask you to either deposit more cash, or sell a portion of your holding.

Margin requirements and interest vary among broker/dealers. The amount of leverage you use will depend on your broker and what you feel comfortable with. You can get leverage from a high as 1% with some brokers. This means you can control $100,000 with the investment of only $1,000. The broker sets a minimum account size also known as account margin or initial investment. Once you have deposited the required sum you will be able to trade in the forex market. The minimum security for each lot usually varies from broker to broker. While with the brokers you should be well aware of the Margin call. Suppose for any reason, if the broker thinks that your holdings are in danger and your losses are approaching your margin quite fast. He may ask you to deposit more money, or dispose your holding of the forex lots to limit your risk and his risk.

Another term is quite relevant in this connection and that is variation margin. Variation Margin is also very important and it is the amount of profit or loss your account is showing on the holdings of the forex lots. There is one more point to keep in the mind is that some brokers require a higher margin during the weekends. It all depends on your broker. The leverage accounts in the forex market have actually made the life easy for the small investors. These leverage accounts helps the small investors to buy the big lots of the foreign currencies and in turn allow them to earn handsome profits. They also act as the alarm bell for the unaware investor while making any loosing proposition and in case of the loss it restricts the amount of the loss of the investor to a bearable limit of the initial investment.

The online forex market has further reduced the requirement of the margin amount to a great extent and it is now reduced to couple of hundred dollars from the initial hundreds of thousands dollars. The small investor in a forex market can earn handsomely due to the presence of the leverage accounts in the online forex market. The effect of the leverage accounts actually enables the small investor to earn huge returns like if he invests $300 on 1% leverage he gets to operate the forex of $30,000. The forex moves from 0.5 to 1.5% at the maximum on daily basis and the earnings if taken on your own investment of $300 make it quite a negligible sum but the leverage provides the magical touch to it and it becomes 100 times and now the amount interests you and attracts you. The leverage is the key to make this forex trade lucrative for the investors in true sense and till it is there it will continue to attract thousands and thousands of people towards the forex trade.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Caution - Forex ahead

I remember when I first heard of Forex; I had no idea what Forex was all about, what traps or rewards it had to offer. My head was filled with confusion, worry and excitement, all at the same time.

Confusion because there was so much information about it all around the net, from strategies, datafeeds, trading platforms and backtested system etc, that the sheer volume of information was overwhelming. Then there were all the jargons, candlesticks and high and lows and trends and sideway movements, inside and outside days. I had no idea what it all meant.

Then I was also worried, too. Forex did not exactly have a 'good' reputation in the circles I was frequenting, not in the investment fraternity and definitely not in the public arena. As I looked further in to Forex and tried to figure out what it was all about, I got confusing messages from all over the place. Some people said it was a great way to make money and yet others said it was a great way to go bankrupt...

And I was also very excited about Forex as well. Before jumping on the Forex bandwagon, I'd dabbled in Stock Options. I found Options a reasonably safe way of 'playing' the market and make some money without ruining myself. But I also found it a bit boring and slow. For one thing, because I live in New Zealand, I was limited to certain times of the day where I could make profitable trades and of course the market is not open all week, either. This meant I was taking time away from my family and friends, not a good idea.

With Forex on the other hand, I'd have an opportunity to trade almost anytime that was convenient to me and I've also found that the software that you normally get for free when you open a Forex account is much better then the ones you normally have to buy to trade on the stock market. Not only that, but when you trade the stock market, you still have to pay for your own datafeed, which can be a substantial amount of money and the data is usually delayed unless you pay some extraordinary amount for your datafeed.

So you can see that even before you've made a single trade, you are already starting with a negative equity because of all the expenses you have to incur before you can actually start trading. And I haven't mentioned any of the other costs involved once you have made a trade. This includes brokerage fees and government charges that you have to pay every time you made a trade, even if you have lost on the trade!

Forex on the other hand offered an almost 'instant fix' of the 'just add water' variety, to the problems I had with Options. Better software, easy, 24 hour access to the market, almost all week, no government charges and very, very low commission rates. I did not have to pay extra for datafeeds and it also seemed like a very exciting, fun thing to do.

I think a lot of people have the same feeling about anything new. You buy a new car and it is the best thing...for a month. Things get even worse where money is involved. People seem to jump on any and all opportunities promising great returns and we seem to forget about common sense as we see the five letter word, money...

I must admit that I was the same when I'd first heard of Forex and all it's attractive 'features'. I thought Options are good, but Forex is better! I will make a million in no time at all. In fact I'd lost $7000.00 in the first week! But strangely enough, I made $1200.00 on my very first trade which lasted less than an hour and had made many trades that made anywhere between $120.00 to $4800.00! So what was going on?

I'd learnt a very obvious lesson in that week, I knew nothing about Forex! There is more to it than reading charts and having a 'gut-feel' about a trade. It's quite funny because I knew this lesson from my Options trading and yet I forgot it as quickly as I could say Forex. So, I had to do a quick reality check and 'compose' myself to see just what had happened and how I was going to prevent it from happening again.

The first thing I had to do was to go back to paper trading to make sure I'd still have a home to go to. Then I had to educate myself. I used to work as a software engineer and thinking back, I 'm quite amazed how much time I had spent on learning the ins and outs of writing programs. Why I thought being good at trading Forex would be any different I will never understand. Anything we do needs to be learnt and perfected and it requires time. Forex is no different. The one 'good' thing about Forex is that you quickly find out if you are right or wrong. With stocks and Options it could take weeks or even months, years to find out if you are on the right track or if you should go and beg on a street corner or sell your kids to slave traders, just kidding...

With Forex you know in a few short hours or even minutes, depending on your trading preference, what your next move should, celebrate or 'miserate', yeah, I know there is no such word...however, for a lot of people 'miserate' is unfortunately a real word! The statistics are really frightening not unlike those of gambling. But I think this is where the problem starts...

Most people don't treat Forex with the professionalism it deserves. You have to treat it like a business or trade. And as with any business or trade you have to learn the 'trade-secrets'. Is it difficult? No. Does it take time and effort? Yes, as does anything worth doing.

Ference is fanatic about currency trading and teaching others about this amazing opportunity. Contact him at or visit his site at

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Against equity Forex

Forex market offers several advantages over private equity, in terms of:

24 hours of free market
The biggest advantage of the Forex market on a balance of action is 24 hours of a free market. Active 5 days a week, the Forex market which gives its equity traders is not the action. Justice is the action on the business hours and limited Forex, the only trading platform moving steadily. One of his works 24 hours in the market, there are some investors, somewhere in the world, the dynamics of trading in foreign currency. This also allows these investors to all kinds of news in the market to react immediately.

Increased trading volume
The volume of trade or in equity hauptsächlichbörsen is often 100 times smaller than the foreign exchange market. In addition, most traders are ready to currencies because of the need for countries to buy and sell, which would keep the property for others to act.

No commissions and trading fees
Forex is profitable compared to private commercial reasonableness, especially in the negotiation of fees and charges said. Most sites, the action of using Forex invite investors or traders with any commissions or fees when requesting access to market information from major retailers for the purpose required. But in the case of transactions, commissions range from $ 5 to $ 100 or more per trade for the full-service brokers.

Price stability through superior liquidity
The trading volume of the Forex market is 100 times more than the New York Stock Exchange is, there are always traders, well, here to buy or sell currencies. The superior liquidity of the major currencies also helps ensure price stability in the Forex market. But this is not the case for equity, which is a low volume of trade. This may be followed by a consequence, investors in stock market liquidity risk, resulting in a higher price developments.

Higher leverage
Higher leverage gives the foreign exchange market, compared with hauptsächlichbörsehandel all markets. Although in general the means available to the online Forex dealers is 100:1, the influence resulting from the capital is offered as a low margin of 2:1. As high leverage enables the Forex traders, much larger sum of currency, to act as they have resigned. It also depends on the types of foreign exchange brokers takes into account the action.

Potential benefits
Forex market allows investors in the course up and down market to serve and provide service for buying and selling currencies. This serves as another major advantage of the Forex market in the trading of equity. This is because the equity market is more difficult to act, while the ongoing decline in the market, as some market policies. There is some risk aspects will also read more about the risks in Forex

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Forex Strategy-Which Strategy is the Best?

Investing in any kind of business or industry entails not only knowledge and hard work but also the perfect and best strategy for a winning game. Forex trading business has been one of the most attractive moneymaking opportunities for lot of people these days. You read it in the papers; you watch it in the news. Everybody's is raving for a piece of winning from it.

Staying on top of a big and risky business, such as forex trading, needs the best forex strategy, wherein you can continuously use all throughout the trade and still not lose in the game or can upgrade and develop over time. Such strategies should keep maximizing your profits and giving you a big slice of the forex cake.

But did you know that to establish the best forex strategy, it is important for a trader to understand other strategies that the market has been dealing with for sometime? These strategies will be your basis in formulating your own workable forex strategy.

Normal Trading Day. This happens when the market is experiencing a normal trading day, wherein the currency price begins quite below or above 75ma. Next, it stretches a little, and then back to 75ma. This event refers to a certain currency being stable, showing the smallest sign that you should make some adjustment son your position.

Slow Trading Day. This happens when the market is witnessing a slow trading condition, wherein the currency price starts at 200ma, but stretches no over than 20pips,a and goes back to 200ma on that same trading day. When it happens, this paves the way to a normal trading day. After which, you make some adjustments on your strategy because it indicates stability of the value of currency.

Fast Trading Day. It happens when the market is having a fast trading day, wherein the currency price is quite below or above 21ema. It ascends and descends afterwards. Then, returns to 21ema. This signifies optimistic movements of the features that affect the mother country's currency, although such movements can be both for the good or bad.

Big Range Day. This pertain to the lows and highs of the range of the subject - that is 20pips apart. It signifies the currency's instability. It can also be good or bad. At this case, your strategy should be flexible enough for anything that might happen.

Any forex strategy have to be taken with flexibility, vigilance and utmost caution. Most traders have learned to establish their own strategy to ensure the success of their financial ventures. However, there is no perfect or absolute forex strategy or method over time. Strategies have to be updated and enhanced every now and then because the market conditions are dependent on a per day basis.

To learn the real art of forex trading is never that easy. It takes a lot of patience, observation, critical mindedness, awareness, motivation, wisdom, and understanding to really get into the business for the longest time.

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The Days with Loss and Margin Call Horror

I don’t know how much strategy’s that I tried.
I have read books about forex strategy but the profit is not yet come.
The writer of strategy says that their strategy is good. Non sense!
As long as we don’t change our mental to a winner we will not meet withdrawal.
All of you surely know what is winner mental. There so much book said discipline, not fear, not gluttonous, etc is the key to become a winner. You never become a real trader before you get loss.

Everyone want to become a winner and get rich from forex, but how? I can only say learn psychology of trading. If you can do that, next you must learn about money management.

But I feel if we have had to bounce winner, we have halfway go to success in forex. Any kind of strategy will bring me to succeed
having a bounce winner that's difficult.
Even until now I am not yet mastered its psychology. only is vexed which make me continue to trading.
Justly let of people mention me crazy trader. I often fail but barge ahead.
All important is trying and continue to try.
In a moment surely will succeed. In essence optimism.
I hopefully all of us can walk together go to success.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Best Forex Trading System is the One I am Telling you About Right Here

if you are going to participate in the currency markets and desire to be profitable, then simply put, you require the best tools possible. The best tools are Forex trading system and I don't see that changing in the foreseeable future. And if you going to get the best tool, why not get the best software packaged there is in this category?

Simple question and an easy answer, of course you want the best currency software trading system money can buy, as long as the price is reasonable and competitive with comparable products in the same category. This software system has only been on the market a few months and has become the best selling Forex related product of all time in that short of a period.

From strictly a marketing or advertising stand point, this is virtually impossible to happen. There is only one way for an item take off like this and become so popular so quickly. It has to be "Word of Mouth Advertising." In other words, one person got it and loved it and told there friends, family members and co-workers about the product. That is the only way, not only in this market am I talking about, but the only for any product in any field to go from zero to hero over night is very difficult.

Which brings you to the question, why would so many people be telling there friends and family members to invest in this item? Again, there can only be one reason, it works great! Working great in the Forex markets means only one thing; it is making big money for its users.

When I figured out all of the above, I bought the software immediately and tested it. I started with an inconsequential initial invest. Well let me tell you, that initial investment is no longer insignificant, but has grown into a sizeable amount in a very short time. Of course, this has its downside to it too, since there is so much money in the account now, I do have to constantly monitor it and watch it grow each day with a smile on my face. Just joking, on that last one.

The name of the Forex trading system is Fap Turbo. If you have not heard of it then you must be really new to the currency markets, because it has exploded on the seen and is all the talk of the professional traders and investors in the currency market community. It only takes a few moments to review its web site and determine if it is something you might be interested in. You never know, you might like it, you might try it, you might grow rich because of it and then you would have to send me an email thanking me. I want the email, after it makes you some big bucks and I am not joking on that one. Really, I was joking again, did you think it was funny? I did not think so.

We have researched, tested and reviewed 100's of Forex Training Courses, Software Systems and Brokerage Firms. We kept the best and eliminated the rest for you to examine at Top Rated Currency Trading & Investing Product Reviews.

Article Source:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lives With Music

Music plays a vital role in our lives. There is the life of the soul as food is not in the body. It is the voice of the heart, on the assumption behind the term, how we feel. Music is the first time to us by our mothers, our beloved musicians. Singing lullabies to us by our mother when we were small, in what language, or melody notes, have always been a joy, the little heart. A melody always playing in our minds.

Like everything in life changes, so does the music. Changes with time and technology. From jazz to rock, from rock to hip-hop, and many of the mergers. And along with the development of music is the advancement of technology in the delivery of music. These technologies have the music or the team closest to us. Gone are the days when you go to a place if you want to enjoy music for a night of music. The introduction of radio, people could enjoy music at home. Today, the development of music-gadget has a long way. With our true MP3 player, music has never been available to us. Well, music is everywhere.

The music industry has always been a lucrative business, easy money for a musical experience. Studies have been conducted for the people of the music. But the common person is white, why, how the music we know. The music comes to us in different ways, is an encouragement to the athletes or a dreamer, a hand that picks you up when you down, a comforting hug, or heart if we are in mourning. And, yes, what would life be without love behind each song loving couple. So we are flooded with love songs.

The stress of hearing a new song or old song again, and the musician wants to create a brand in the world of music is always the music industry alive. People do not hesitate to enjoy good music, whether buying a concert ticket or the latest CD or download music over the Internet to get our latest MP3 players. It is a wonderful reality, music is our culture, which strongly influences our values and way of life. Music is always a good companion.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Best Forex Trading System is the One I am Telling you About Right Here

if you are going to participate in the currency markets and desire to be profitable, then simply put, you require the best tools possible. The best tools are Forex trading system and I don't see that changing in the foreseeable future. And if you going to get the best tool, why not get the best software packaged there is in this category?

Simple question and an easy answer, of course you want the best currency software trading system money can buy, as long as the price is reasonable and competitive with comparable products in the same category. This software system has only been on the market a few months and has become the best selling Forex related product of all time in that short of a period.

From strictly a marketing or advertising stand point, this is virtually impossible to happen. There is only one way for an item take off like this and become so popular so quickly. It has to be "Word of Mouth Advertising." In other words, one person got it and loved it and told there friends, family members and co-workers about the product. That is the only way, not only in this market am I talking about, but the only for any product in any field to go from zero to hero over night is very difficult.

Which brings you to the question, why would so many people be telling there friends and family members to invest in this item? Again, there can only be one reason, it works great! Working great in the Forex markets means only one thing; it is making big money for its users.

When I figured out all of the above, I bought the software immediately and tested it. I started with an inconsequential initial invest. Well let me tell you, that initial investment is no longer insignificant, but has grown into a sizeable amount in a very short time. Of course, this has its downside to it too, since there is so much money in the account now, I do have to constantly monitor it and watch it grow each day with a smile on my face. Just joking, on that last one.

The name of the Forex trading system is Fap Turbo. If you have not heard of it then you must be really new to the currency markets, because it has exploded on the seen and is all the talk of the professional traders and investors in the currency market community. It only takes a few moments to review its web site and determine if it is something you might be interested in. You never know, you might like it, you might try it, you might grow rich because of it and then you would have to send me an email thanking me. I want the email, after it makes you some big bucks and I am not joking on that one. Really, I was joking again, did you think it was funny? I did not think so.

We have researched, tested and reviewed 100's of Forex Training Courses, Software Systems and Brokerage Firms. We kept the best and eliminated the rest for you to examine at Top Rated Currency Trading & Investing Product Reviews.

Article Source:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Increase your Income to the Point you can Quit from Your Job

Now the problem of financial time for many of us hoped that the financial security only if you no longer need to depend on someone or something. How to achieve this objective, the question that many people are contemplating? If you are very well capitalized, the options are also limited. The currency is an alternative to be examined, and that the right Forex training is the first step towards financial freedom that only the success of the work themselves can offer.

A food trade and investment in the Forex market is a little easier than most people think when they initially take some time to carefully examine the facts. Firstly, by investing in a currency can not be only one of two things may increase in value or impairment. Excluding the currency and the PIP is extended by the foreign exchange brokerage firm, which is close to break even from the beginning to learn about things that do not make money in all markets.

Secondly, why so many people do not, if the probability of success so great? A simple explanation is often the best and it is exactly for this case. Will not succeed, because even to prepare for success. So many people in the market on a whim and just leave as quickly when the investment was lost. In the event that there are some that are serious and invest in education and are often the exact opposite.

If you acknowledge that you have a fifty percent chance of choosing to invest money in the money, even if you do not know anything about the Forex market, you have that real success will be yours. If almost fifty percent of return, and what percentage of start earning money, it is sixty or seventy percent and sixty-five? In fact, one of the election of a portion of the money to make money according to their investment strategy.

Now that you know exactly how close to success before you start, as to the next level and increase your chances of winning competitions? Simple, you will find the money for enrollment in one of the exceptional online Forex training courses available. Complete one of the programs are more willing to make the leap to financial independence and profitability, providing a valuable currency investors.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Learn to make money fast from forex

Is it possible to get money quickly to a major foreign exchange markets? Yes it is, in fact, usually with a lower risk than other forms of investment. Can I lose too much money quickly exchange markets? Yes you can, especially do not know what you're doing. The best way to make money and not lose too much money is a great learning forex before you start investing. There are many different ways to learn forex. The best is the cheapest to a friend or family member who is the big money in the markets to teach you the techniques you use to be profitable.

Another way to learn the operations of exchange is to learn. There are all kinds of free stuff around the Internet, foreign exchange trading. Just do a search on Google for research, learning and play. I want to do next is a Forex broker company offers a free demo account can be used to practice trading without any investment on their side. This will be done in real time - a real experience, that trade is essential, before trading with your money. There are all kinds of forums and blogs of currencies, where some of the very well educated, many of the commercial aspects of the foreign exchange markets.

If you feel you've learned enough and are ready to deal with real funds. So good they really are only two things can happen. You can also earn money or lose money. Most of us have lost more money, stupid fashion, at least once in our lives. At this point, if you have a lot of money, you can be sure you are one of the fortunate and intelligent person. Although most of the use of free Forex courses were simply not enough to trade in currencies, profitable career. I personally do not have the corner until you get a comprehensive tutorial currency has taught me to complicated concepts that are not generally available for free. But more importantly, he taught me how to use the margins. If not treated Trading foreign exchange markets yet, you never know what I'm talking about. But do not worry, you learn quickly.

What is the best way to learn any foreign exchange transactions in the hope that it can be serious and study hard. When I was in and out of markets over a long period of time, but never really consistent. But suddenly, it's easy if I have a few large transactions that interest me too much money. Of course I quickly lost all my income, but I realized how much money is WOW. I mean, if I Forex mentoring course and turned the corner. Do what is best for you, but make sure you can do to live in the large Forex trading market, if you know what you're doing.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Automated Forex Trading-Best Work From Home Part Time Job

Forex is being called the Recession Proof Business of 21st century. Many people want to make money online. Many try internet marketing, waste thousands of dollars, fail and simply give up. With the passage of time internet marketing has become highly competitive. Internet is no more what it was a few years back. People are savvier now.

With more and more people joining the internet marketing bandwagon, the field has got saturated. Advertising cost has gone up and conversions have gone down. In this article, I will tell you about a method that is going to make many millionaires in the coming decade.
Forex Trading! Yes, forex markets are so huge that they dwarf all the stock markets of the world combined. Daily more than $3 trillion are traded on the forex markets. It is simply impossible for anyone to control the currency markets not even the governments or the central banks. Previously forex markets were open to only institutional investors like banks, corporations and hedge funds but with the advent of the internet, the situation has changed.
Now, anyone with a computer and a good internet connection can trade forex from his/her kitchen table. Many people think of forex markets as risky and dangerous. No doubt there is truth in it but only for those who take the plunge without proper training. How difficult is forex trading? Not for those with a little bit of commitment. All you need is a little effort to succeed.
You can get free resources online on forex trading. Do some search on Google and you will find many good websites. After getting some education, open a demo account. You can easily open a demo account in five minutes online. It is as easy and simple as that. On the demo account, you get the live data. You can practice your strategies with virtual money. Yeah, virtual or fake money, without losing a single cent you can practice.
Now, the method I am going to tell you is automated and does not require you to sit in front of your computer. With the advancement in software programming, now there are many good forex trading robots in the market that people use to trade on autopilot. What you need to do is download a good robot. Set it up on your demo account and let it trade for you.
In a few weeks, you can observe, how well the robot trades. If you are satisfied, you can start real live trading. Read my blogs for more on automated forex trading. I recommend one robot that comes with 60 days money back guarantee. So you can try it for two months on your demo account and see its performance. How much money you lose; not even a single cent!
If you want to make a fortune or are interested in building your retirement plan than learn forex trading. There is no better way to make money from home in your spare time than this. This method is here and is going to stay. So give it a try, you are not going to lose a single cent. Read my blog for more on automated forex trading strategies and how people in their spare time are making fortunes from home.

Article Source:

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Will I get rich from Forex?

The Foreign Exchange market (also referred to as the Forex or FX market) is the largest financial market in the world, with over $1.5 trillion changing hands every day.

That is larger than all US equity and Treasury markets combined!

Unlike other financial markets that operate at a centralized location (i.e. stock exchange), the worldwide Forex market has no central location. It is a global electronic network of banks, financial institutions and individual traders, all involved in the buying and selling of national currencies. Another major feature of the Forex market is that it operates 24 hours a day, corresponding to the opening and closing of financial centers in countries all across the world, starting each day in Sydney, then Tokyo, London and New York. At any time, in any location, there are buyers and sellers, making the Forex market the most liquid market in the world.

Traditionally, access to the Forex market has been made available only to banks and other large financial institutions. With advances in technology over the years, however, the Forex market is now available to everybody, from banks to money managers to individual traders trading retail accounts. The time to get involved in this exciting, global market has never been better than now. Open an account and become an active player in the largest market on the planet.

The Forex Market is very different than trading currencies on the futures market, and a lot easier, than trading stocks or commodities.

The FOREX plays a vital role in the world economy and there will always be a tremendous need for the exchange of currencies. International trade increases as technology and communication increases. As long as there is international trade, there will be a FOREX market. The FX market has to exist so a country like Germany can sell products in the United States and be able to receive Euros in exchange for US Dollar.

So you know how it is financially rewarding if you traded successfully in the forex market every single day. Whether a bad economy or not, it has made millions taking advantage of the flactuations in the market. And the good thing is that trading is now available to all of us, having internet access and right knowledge creates wealth.

Ok, ok , i got your point, how do I start trading in forex?

Well, forex is like any other investment or business, it has signifitcant amount of loss sometime.But it is better than having a job because you can work for so little time, yet earn so much more. There is a career waiting for people who are willing to exert their effor, time and mind to learning and benefiting from the Currency Market.

It is important for traders to have consistent learning in the market, and not just giving that role of trading to their brokers. The good thing is there are many learning modules out there available through the online universe. But not all guarantees 100% success on trading. Of course no person or product can be dumb enough to guarantee your success. It also demands effort on your part. A factor you should find when purchasing or looking for information is its reputation and quality.

Poor learning = higher risks and losses
Quality learning = happy trader

One highly credited Stock and Forex Investor, Bill Poulos has made some home study courses that has helped made millions of successful traders around the world. And in one of his courses, Forex Profit Accelerator, is not more of a study home course, it is more of a learning system.

Be it new in trading or experienced, constant learning is what makes wealth, at times today, " the more you know, the more money you make". And a learning system like the Forex Profit Accelerator can surely give you all the support you need to be successful in Currency trading.

Will you get started now?
About the Author

Friday, March 27, 2009

Forex - What is it?

The international currency market Forex is a special kind of the world financial market. Trader’s purpose on the Forex to get profit as the result of foreign currencies purchase and sale. The exchange rates of all currencies being in the market turnover are permanently changing under the action of the demand and supply alteration. The latter is a strong subject to the influence of any important for the human society event in the sphere of economy, politics and nature. Consequently current prices of foreign currencies evaluated for instance in the US dollars fluctuate towards its higher and lower meanings. Using these fluctuations in accordance with a known principle “buy cheaper – sell higher” traders obtain gains. Forex is different in compare to all other sectors of the world financial system thanks to his heightened sensibility to a large and continuously changing number of factors, accessibility to all individual and corporative traders, exclusively high trade turnover which creates an ensured liquidity of traded currencies and the round - the clock business hours which enable traders to deal after normal hours or during national holidays in their country finding markets abroad open.

Just as on any other market the trading on Forex, along with an exclusively high potential profitability, is essentially risk - bearing one. It is possible to gain a success on it only after a certain training including a familiarization with the structure and kinds of Forex, the principles of currencies price formation, the factors affecting prices alterations and trading risks levels, sources of the information necessary to account all those factors, techniques of the analysis and prediction of the market movements as well as with the trading tools and rules. An important role in the process of the preparation for the trading on Forex belongs to the demotrading (that is to trade using a demo-account with some virtual money), which allows to testify all the theoretical knowledge and to obtain a required minimum of the trade experience not being subjected to a material damage.

About the Author

Tomas Anderson is the editor of

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Maybe, you already know of what I write. I just want to share a few of my thoughts. I Swear this results from the head itself. (I am too foolish to mind new now).

For a blogger who want to post, type your idea in notepad or microsoft word and then copy and paste text that you have been wrote to post page.

It wiil reduce cost of internet. (What do ya?)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hello World.....

In the end i must to write a blog. there so much idea in my head that i must kick. Hehe ....

So If u want to know anything about this blog, read my post later.

Peace 4 u All